Lesson 69: Atheism
Here Ray makes a case against atheism. He makes the following statement: ''I don’t believe in atheists. This isn’t because I haven’t met anyone who claimed the title, but because such a person cannot exist.'' After giving examples that it is impossible to know exactly the weight of all the sand on Hawaii, or how many hairs are on the back of a Tibetan yak, Comfort then goes on to say:''... let’s say that the atheist has an incredible 1 percent of all the knowledge in the universe. Would it be possible, in the 99 percent of the knowledge that he hasn’t yet come across, that there might be ample evidence to prove the existence of God? One who is reasonable will be forced to admit that it is possible. Somewhere, in the vast knowledge that he hasn’t yet discovered, there could be enough proof that God does exist.... Let’s look at the same thought from another angle. If I were to make an absolute statement such as, “There is no gold in China,” what is necessary for that statement to be proved true? I would need absolute or total knowledge. I must know that there is no gold in any rock, in any river, in the ground, in any store, in any ring, or in any filling in any mouth in China. If there is one speck of gold in China, then my statement is false and I have no basis for it. I need absolute knowledge before I can make an absolute statement.''
In this lesson, Comfort has said.
- You cannot say that there is no evidence for God unless you are omniscient.
- You cannot say that there is no God unless you can search everywhere, which would require omnipotence.
Claiming that God could exist in the
knowledge not yet obtained is a fallacial argument. Based on this
logic, theoretically an infinite number of gods could exist, and the
claim that "God exists" is no more reasonable to true than
the claim "universal invisible sky pixies exist."
Finally, one does not require
omniscience to prove something does not exist. for example, one does
not need omniscience to prove that spherical cubes do not exist. By
definition, a cube has 8 corners and a sphere has zero corners. It is
impossible for both to exist. Likewise, an atheist can point to the
philosophical contradictions in the attributes of God. Example, how
can perfect being create imperfection? Why would a perfect being,
when perfect by definition is something that is whole and complete,
require praise and companions (followers, angels, etc.) How can God
be omnipotent and omniscient; can God change his mind? How can God
have omniscience and have free will? How can a all-good God knowingly
create future suffering? How can a infinitely merciful God send
people to eternal punishment for a finite crime? Why does God have
emotions (psychologist Valerie Tarico makes a very solid argument
that all gods have human psyches, and are just creations of the human
mind and thus do not exist).
Lesson 70: How to Prove the Existence of God
This lesson is first started with a quote from Dwight Eisenhower, "It takes no brains to be an Atheist." Atheists, Kirk says, "... don't want to be confused by the facts." Comfort follows up by quoting Psalm 14:1 (“The fool has said in his heart, There is no God”), and then says that Atheists deny common sense.
How else can you defend an indefensible
position? You have to twist everything around. That is why the Bible
defines the “fool” as someone who does not believe completely the
outrageous claims from the most incredulous sources even without
asking for evidence – despite the fact that every other source in
the world defines a fool as someone who does all of these things.
Its a psychological spin.
Atheists deny common sense? Oh really?
Would common sense favor explaining everything carefully through
insightful investigation or simply answering everything with “magic”?
Here's Comfort's proofs:1) The question, "Who made God?" is a silly question because, "the fact of the existence of the Creator is axiomatic (self-evident)."
"God is
self-evident." Obviously this isn't true because if it were then
the discussion would be over. God is NOT self-evident, period. God is
no more self-evident than eternal Krishna or the Invisible Pink
Furthermore, this
does not answer the question “who made God?” For the sake of
argument, if Ray Comfort's point was accurate (which it clearly is
not) then the question still remains where did God come from?
If Ray Comfort
answers God is eternal and always was, and he was never created or
came from anywhere, then congradulations Ray you've just destroyed
your own argument and theological worldview. If God can be eternal
and uncreated, then why not just save a step and say the universe is
eternal and uncreated? Why must we add “magic” in the equation to
explain the mystery of origins?
2) By observation, space doesn't have an end. "Strain the mind though it may, we have to believe (have faith) that space has no beginning and no end. The same applies with God. He has no beginning and no end. He is eternal."
"Space does
not have an end." This statement is false. At least for our
universe. If you want to talk about a multiverse you open a whole new
can of worms.
3) Although space doesn't have an end, apparently Time does have an end. "... time is a dimension that God created, into which man was subjected. (the bible) tells us that one day time will no longer exist." "God Himself dwells outside of the dimension He created (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2); He dwells in eternity and is not subject to time."
"Time has
an end." Does it? We're not sure about that. We won't know for
sure though until we have a better understanding of Dark Matter and
Dark Energy - which means we need a better understanding of the
density of the universe. "Time has an end" is not an
obviously true statement. The true answer is, again, "We don't
know! Isn't that great?!"
4) Everything that has been created has a creator. A building has a builder, a painting has a painter. "We can’t see Him, hear Him, touch Him, taste Him, or smell Him. How can we know that He exists? Why, creation proves, beyond the shadow of the smallest doubt, that there is a Creator. You cannot have a “creation” without a Creator." Comfort wins us over on this point with another dig - "This is so simple that a child can understand it. The only ones who have trouble with its simplicity are those who profess to be intellectuals."
"Everything that has been created
has a creator." An arch, for example, has a creator.
Architecturally, arches are the best example of something that has
been constructed. When constructing an arch it must be supported by
scaffolding or else it will fall down. Arches require a continuous
line of touching bricks. Non-parabolic arches must be supported by
walls on the sides or else the arch's bricks will push the walls
outward until the whole thing collapses.
There is just no
way for this complex bit of architecture to form naturally - say over
millions of years due to natural processes that include erosion due
to wind and water. It's just too unbelievable... or is it? Here is a photo of a naturally formed
arch that was developed exactly as just described.
That being said,
does everything that is created have a creator? Ray Comfort assumes
that the universe was created, without giving any proof that it
indeed was. The only argument he has ever proposed as “proof” was
“common sense” – perhaps the mindless argument from Ray
Comfort. Common sense is not proof of anything. Common sense once
told humanity that the Earth is the center of the universe.
That's all of Ray Comfort's “proofs” of God.
All Ray Comfort has shown is several
“proofs” that he is full of poor arguments.
Lesson 71: Atheist Obstacles
Comfort does not create a list of such obstacles, so here they are, properly picked out.1) "let God show himself" objection: Comfort calls the people who use this argument “proud and ignorant sinner” with “no understanding of the nature of His Creator” who says, “I will believe if God will appear to me.” Comfort then mixes Exodus 33:18–23 with 1 Corinthians 10:4 in order to explain why, “No man has ever seen the essence of God.”
For those
unfamiliar with this section of Exodus, Moses has asked God to “Show
me your glory.” God responds by saying he likes Moses, and would
love to do as he asks, but exposing him to God’s full glory would
kill him. God then stuffs Moses into a cleft in a rock and places his
hand over Moses to protect him as he walks past. For some reason,
Comfort leaves out part of Exodus 33:23, which says, “And I will
take away mine hand and thou shalt see my back parts but my face
shall not be seen.” The original Hebrew word is achowr,
which means things like “backside” or “hinder parts”. Some
religious scholars interpret this to mean the “after effects” or
"essence" of God’s presence, but that doesn’t seem to
agree with the use of the word for “hand” which the same scholars
say does in fact mean “hand”. In either case, saying that no one
has ever seen the essence of God isn't exactly true.
To answer
Comfort, Yes, some Atheists have asked God to show himself, and
Comfort uses the bible to answer that by saying that God actually
can't show himself without killing the viewer with God's glory.
(Except that God's backsides are apparently a little less glorious.)
Still, "showed himself" through the appearances of a
burning bush, for example, or the huge pillar of cloud and fire are
both direct, visible revelations from God.
2) "Prove God doesn't exist" objection: Comfort states that the Atheist, "...takes an illogical leap by concluding that there is no God, because it cannot be proved that He doesn’t exist. Such reasoning is absurd. Why would anyone try to prove that God doesn’t exist when it can be proved that He does? Creation proves scientifically and absolutely to any sane mind that there is a Creator. His existence is axiomatic."
It has not been
established or proven that the universe is a "creation,"
despite Ray Comfort's repeating pleas and assertions.
3) "The Problem with Prayer" objection: Comfort sets up a scene with a sick child and a praying family. If the child dies then the Atheist, according to Comfort, points out that the prayer didn't work. If the child lives then he lives due to what the Atheist calls naturally explained reasons. Then Comfort completely misses the point by going on to say that, "... one thing we do know is that answered or unanswered prayer has nothing to do with God’s existence." He gives a "broken car" analogy where he says, "What would be my intellectual capacity if I concluded that (my car) had no manufacturer simply because I couldn’t contact them about the dilemma? The fact of their existence has nothing to do with whether or not they return my calls."
Replace "God"
in Ray's reasoning with any other deity or any fictional character or
creature in your imagination, and it all works just as effectively.
While prayer may or may not, this does not prove that universal
invisible sky pixies, magic sandwiches or red fire-proof whales that
swim inside the sun don't exist.
The real problem
is the ''lack of positive evidence.'' Prayer is often claimed as
proof that a groups particular deity exists, but under controlled
studies, prayer has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever.
4) "God exists regardless of Human Testimony" objection. Here he says that miracles, or the lack of same, do not have anything to do with God's actual existence. He uses the sun as an analogy, "The sun doesn’t exist because we see its light, or because we feel its warmth. Its existence has nothing to do with any human testimony. Nor does it cease to exist because a blind man is not aware of its reality, or because it becomes cloudy, or the night falls. The sun exists, period."The next paragraphs aren't an Atheist objection.The first piece is about "Odd Rant about Idolatry." In these paragraphs Comfort says, "If men will not embrace the biblical revelation of God, their nature is to predictably go into idolatry."Finally Comfort finishes with a paragraph about the, "Adamant atheist April Pedersen". Here Comfort says he sent a copy of the Atheist Objections to Ms. Pedersen, who responded by saying that they were, "...worded with impeccable logic..." and "...nearly impossible to find holes in your premise...."
Agreed. The sun exists whether we
agree with or deny its existence. The sun exists even if every one of
us were blind, and living on the bottom of the ocean where we could
no longer directly detect it. It exists regardless of what we say.
But we can test that the sun exists. We can feel it's warmth, turn
it's radiation into electricity, calculate how it's mass affects the
planets in our solar system, watch its sunspots, and experience what
happens to our cell phones and radios when it flares. We can even
experiment with what would happen if it did not exist, through
astronomical observation of gas and matter that do not orbit a star
like our sun, or by examining the absence of solar radiation on the
dark side of Mercury or our own satellites. The sun exists no matter
what we say - and we have mountains of evidence that prove its
existence. We have no such evidence for God.
Who the hell is Ms. Pedersen? Is she a
prominent Atheist? A quick Google search for “Atheist” + "April
Pedersen" revealed a mere 22 hits.
Lesson 72: Atheist Questions Part 1
Kirk's Statement: Read this atheist group’s questionnaire. It is really insightful and wonderful material to have ready for your next encounter with an atheist.
There is nothing "wonderful"
about this material, rather it is a repeat of very old theist
arguments that have been shown to be false many times long ago.
Question 1) "How would you define God, and why are you so convinced that there is one?" Ray answers: God is the Creator, Upholder, and the Sustainer of the universe. He revealed Himself to Moses as the one and only true God.
The historical evidence for Moses is
actually very feeble. In fact, the historical search for Moses is
considered dead, and it is widely held that Moses is simply a
fictional character of the Old Testament. Basically, Ray is convinced
their is an invisible deity because said deity revealed himself to a
fictional character, which is similar to believing Albus Dumbledore
is a real person because he revealed himself to Harry Potter.
So, we have a fictional character
claiming there is a “Creator, Upholder, and Sustainer” of the
universe. Well, why don't we just examine the universe to see if it
requires any God to function and maintain itself.
The ending result: the universe does
NOT need a God, just as lightning does not need a divine smith in the
sky to strike his hammer to magically create lightning. The universe
is fully capable of originating naturally without the need of a
magical entity.
Question 2) "If everything needs a creator, then who or what created God?" Ray answers: No person or thing created God. He created “time,” and because we dwell in the dimension of time, ''reason'' demands that all things have a beginning and an end. God, however, dwells outside of the dimension of time.
When Ray states that “reason”
demands that everything had a beginning and end, and yet
Ray presents something that does not have a beginning and end, then
clearly “reason” never did demand such a thing that everything
needs a beginning. The only other option, if “reason” still
demands that everything has a beginning, then God must indeed be a
created being.
So which is it? If Ray Comfort still
insists that this imaginary entity had no beginning, then Occam's
Razor has totally destroyed Ray Comfort's theological worldview. If
God can be uncreated and have no beginning, then why can't the
While our universe may have begun at
the Big Bang (which did happen, no matter how much Ray Comfort denies
it), people may argue that means the universe is not eternal.
Unfortunately, such a point is without merit. Thanks to the
multiverse, and the fact that matter cannot be created and reality is
composed of atoms, matter is indeed infinite. The Big bang was the
start of our universe, but the Big Bang was not the start of all
there is. Atoms are eternal and continue to make new worlds, and
according to physicist Victor Stenger the multiverse (all there is)
is eternal.
Question 3) "How can something that cannot be described be said to exist?" Ray answers: The color blue cannot be accurately described to a man who was born blind. Just because it cannot be described doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. There is plant life on the bottom of the deepest oceans that has never been seen by man, let alone described by him. Despite this, it still exists. Does the (unseen) far side of a planet fail to exist merely because man cannot describe it?
Blue can be described, for
starters a very simple definition would be something like “it is a
color whose portion of the color spectrum lying between green and
red” or a colored figment the eye transfers to the brain, which
then interprets the light density picked up and then gives it an
appropriate colored tone.
God is defined as many many things,
such as omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent,
transparent, eternal, AND God has sentience. Philosophically, an
entity that has more than one of these attributes cannot exist (and
this has been pointed out to Ray, who has not provide a justifiable
response to).
Question 4) "Since countless religions in the world today claim to be the one true religion, why do you think yours is truer than theirs?" Ray answers: No religion is “truer” than another. “Religion” is man’s futile effort to try to find peace with God. The Christian doesn’t strive to have peace with his Creator. It was given to him in the person of the Savior. The uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth is His statement, “The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins.” No religion of man can do that. Christianity is not a manmade “religion,” but a personal relationship with the one true God.
Christianity IS a man-made religion,
written and constructed by men who credited their work to their
personal deity. The Bible was put together by men through debate and
vote, it was not simply faxed to humanity through heaven.
So Ray Comfort says that he has a
personal relationship with the creator of the entire vast universe
....and atheists are the arrogant ones???
Question 5) "Can more than one of these religions be right?" Ray answers: In one sweeping statement, Jesus discards all other religions as a means of finding forgiveness of sins. Jesus, who claimed to be God, said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). The Bible says about Jesus, “There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5) and,“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). See also Answer #4.
Not a very satisfying answer. There are
thousands of religions throughout human history, and many more that
can be created. They all cannot be right, BUT they can all be wrong.
Judaism began, saying there is only one
God and God says “you shall have no other god before me, there are
no gods beside me, it is just me and me alone” (Isaiah 45). AND
THEN jesus comes along and says “I am the way, I am the light, I am
the truth and there is no way to get to god but through me.” So
jesus positions himself before god. Right off the bat, Jesus puts
himself before the very first commandment, turning himself into some
sort of idol gateway in order to get to God.
Question 6) "If you feel in your heart that your religion is the right one, how do you answer those of other faiths who claim the same thing?" Ray answers: Christians don’t base their faith on feelings; their feelings are irrelevant to truth. If I am flying from Los Angeles to New York, my feelings about whether I am going in the right direction have nothing to do with that fact. We can know with our intellect that Christianity is true, regardless of our feelings. The Bible’s thousands of fulfilled prophecies, historical accuracy, and many infallible proofs attest to its reliability.
Every prophecy proposed by Christianity
has shown to not be a prophecy at all, incorrect, or rather predict
the inevitable.
What historical accuracy? Nothing in
this book has provided an valid example. What is more interesting is
that pieces Ray does not bring up when and where the Bible is
historically inaccurate. Such as: there was no Flood, the population
of the ancient world did not start from 8 people in 300-500 years,
there was no Exodus, no city of Nazareth, Herod did not slaughter
thousands of children, the grand consensus never took place, David's
kingdom did not stretch as far as it proclaimed in Scripture, nor did
the wall of Jericho fall around the time Scriptures claimed it did.
There are numerous other examples, but the bottom line is that the
Bible is not a history text, rather it is a theological text (and Ray
knows this).
“Infallible proofs” – name one?
Furthermore, do “infallible proofs” found in sacred texts prove
they are entirely accurate about their core message? For instance,
should we declare that Hinduism must be true since the Bhagavata
Purana mentions the “multiverse” several times. One example:
“Every universe is covered by seven layers —
earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego — each
ten times greater than the previous one. There are innumerable
universes besides this one, and
although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in
You. Therefore You are called unlimited”
(Bhagavata Purana 6.16.37) It should be noted, that the book fo
Genesis only created Yahweh with creating only one universe: this
universe. In Hinduism, Brahma created ALL the universes, this one and
every other universe. It seems Brahma is greater than Yahweh.
Question 7) "How do you settle the debate and find out which of these religions, if any, is the right one?" Ray answers: Jesus promises that He and the Father will reveal themselves to all who love and obey Him. This is the ultimate challenge to any skeptic. If you repent and place your faith in Jesus Christ, He will give you eternal life and you can know that your eternity is secure.
In other words, believe your whole life
and you'll just figure it out after you die. How moronic can you get.
The question presented was how do we find out, right now, which is
the correct religion? Ray Comfort provides nothing, all he does it
say “just believe it.”
This is not more of a satisfying answer
than a ghost-skeptic being told just accept without evidence that
they are real. Simply believing ghosts are real does not prove they
are real. Similarly, the Flying Spaghetti monster promised to reveal
himself if you follow him and put your faith in him. You could raise
a community of children to believe in Cthulhu if you always insist
that he’s true. If you make them worship him regularly, and pray to
him in fear begging for signs or impressions revealing his existence
to them, then at least some of those children will eventually claim
to have experienced that god despite the fact that he only ever
existed in fiction.
Occultists, transcendentalists, and
faith-healers of every religion know the auto-deceptive power of
faith. It doesn’t matter which gods or spirits they pray to. No
matter which devotion one practices, if the ambience of the ritual is
right, then faith can prepare the mind and psyche the senses into
perceiving or experiencing whatever the subjects want to believe.
Seemingly miraculous feats and visions occur in every faith because
faith itself is the cause of them, rather than whatever devotees may
have faith “in”. That has to be the case, because faith is the
only common bond between all religious beliefs.
Believers often say they “know for a
fact” that their beliefs are the “truth”. They “testify” to
things they don’t know anything about. They pretend to “witness”
things they’ve never really seen, and they like to use other
confident-sounding terms like “conclusively proven” when they’re
really only talking about baseless assumptions, (and vice versa).
They often claim “absolute truth” when they’re really talking
about bald-faced lies, and all too often, they will continue to
repeat and appeal to arguments they know have already been proven
wrong. But if you believe in truth at all, then you should make sure
that the things you say actually are true, that they are defensibly
accurate, and academically correct. And if they’re not correct, you
should correct them! You wouldn’t claim to know anything you
couldn’t prove that you knew, and you wouldn’t talk about
anything being “proven” at all, unless you’re clearly using
that term in the sense that a court of law would use. But in either
case, it doesn’t matter how convinced you are; belief does not
equal knowledge. The difference is that knowledge can always be
tested for accuracy where mere beliefs often can not be. No matter
how positively you think you know it, if you can’t show it, then
you don’t know it, and you shouldn’t say that you do. Nor would
you if you really cared about the truth. Knowledge is demonstrable,
measurable. But faith is often a matter of pretending to know what
you know you really don't know, and that no one even can know, and
which you merely believe -often for no good reason at all.
Question 8) "Why does God allow all these false religions to exist?" Ray answers: Because God wants mankind to worship and love Him, He gave Adam and Eve the free will to choose whether to obey or disobey Him. People have chosen to reject God’s way and instead seek to establish their own righteousness through works-based religions. God allows these false religions and atheism to exist for the same reason He allows sinful humans to exist. The Bible tells us that God is not willing that any should perish (regardless of whether they are religious or profess atheism), but that they all come to repentance.
Adam and Eve are fictional characters,
and this story Ray is repeating is without evidence. In order for a
person to make a “choice” they must be aware of their options.
Christianity was no an option for centuries amongst humans before
Judaism, and certainly not an option for many human civilizations
across the globe after the supposed Christ died. So why punish people
(good people) who did not know anything about Jesus or God?
Question 9) "Is the bloody history of Christianity consistent with what is supposed to be a religion of love, or does it simply illustrate the consequences of abandoning reason for faith?" Ray answers: The Bible commands Christians to love their enemies and do good to those who spitefully use them. The terrorists in the World Trade Center tragedy carried out their agenda in the name of Allah (their god). This is nothing new. The Crusaders and others who have committed atrocities in the name of Christianity were also evil men who were carrying out their depraved agendas. A thinking person can distinguish between those who use the Christian faith for their own political or “religious” ends and those who are true followers of Jesus. In other words, just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn’t mean that he is. He could be what is commonly known as a hypocrite, or an impostor.
If a Christian is a person who follows
Jesus, while others who don't are hypocrites, then Ray Comfort is
undoubtedly a big hypocrite. Ray Comfort violates numerous laws he
claims to be true and nor does he follow the words and teachings of
Jesus. Does Ray do any of the following?
You must sell everything.(Matthew
19:21-24, Luke 14:33, Matthew 6:19 and 6:24, Matt 13:22, and Luke
12:33 couldn’t be any clearer)
You should abandon your family.(Matthew
19:28-29 and Luke 14:26-33)
You should cut off your hand. (Matthew
You should eat flesh and drink blood.
(John 6:53-54)
Jesus encourages more eunuchs. (Matthew
"And these signs shall follow them
that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak
with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any
deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the
sick, and they shall recover." -- Mark 16:17-18 (Wow, drink
poison and heal cancer with your bare hands…. How many modern
believers fulfilled this one?)
"Behold, I give unto you power to
tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you." -- Luke 10:19
Many Christians may object to Mark
16:17-18 above, claiming that it was never part of the original bible
ad was later inserted in. However, this does not fly for the simple
reason: if you are a Christian, if you believe your God is infallible
and wrote every word in the Bible (inspired by the Holy Spirit), and
accept every word in the Bible as it is as completely true, then by
this alone you must accept every word and letter in the Bible –
this includes handling snakes and drinking poison. Even if you do not
like it, you cannot dismiss it because your infallible all-knowing
all-good God commands it.
Furthermore, if you pretend to follow a
fictional character like Jesus who demands you to never lie, then Ray
Comfort lies nearly on a daily basis regarding proven science. To
make things even worse, Ray Comfort profits off these lies.
Question 10) "If everything is the product of a “grand design” by an omniscient, benevolent designer, why is the history of life a record of horrible suffering, blundering waste, and miserable failures? Why does this God go through billions of years of such carnage without yet arriving at His goal?" Ray answers: God’s original creation was “good,” but because of mankind’s sin we now live in a “fallen” creation. Before sin entered the world there was no suffering, disease, decay, or death. The Bible’s explanation of suffering actually substantiates the truth of Scripture.
Basically, everything is human's fault.
This is kind of an excellent starter for a guilt-based religion to
engulf you into feeling guilty simply for being what you are, and
then shove you towards accepting its invisible product to clear its
made-up guilt.
No suffering or death before the Fall?
This is absolute nonsense, for the simple reason that there never was
a “Fall”, a garden with two naked couples, or any point in time
where death was non-existent.
Many animals have strict diets that
require consuming other animals. Claiming that they were all once
vegetarians does not cut it either, because their teeth and digestive
system reveals that certain animals are strictly carnivores.
Here is one inescapable answer that
shows death had to exist before the Fall: sharks. They prove that
death had to exist for them to simply breed. While still in their
mother's womb, shark babies must eat their fellow sibling embryos to
survive. This is simply cannibalism, and every shark is born a
For something to die, life must be
lost. Plants, fruits and vegetables are living things. Ray claims
there was no death in the world before Adam brought sin into the
world. However, in the book of Genesis, God told Adam and Eve they
were free to eat whatever they wanted from the trees (with the
exception of one). Trees bear fruit, which are living things, and
once they are consumed their life is lost. Basically, life had to be
lost and consumed for others to live (this is the exact definition of
what it is like to be an animal, and humans ARE animals).
Ray Comfort says there was no disease
either until man sinned? Then why would God create and design humans
as they are (and God said it was “good”) with an immune system if
there was no disease? The purpose of the immune system is to defend
the body from infections, diseases, and other external harmful
forces. So why would God create man with this if there was no such
thing as diseases? Why do organisms have defenses against pathogens
in the first place if they weren't needed or necessary? It seems God
already knew long before he created humans that sin would enter the
world, meaning he knew this would happen and did nothing to stop it.
Finally, no decay before the Fall? What
about fungi? Fungi, by their very nature, cause decay. Did they exist
in the original creation? If they did, then there was indeed decay
before sin. If they did not, then creationists like Ray Comfort have
just demonstrated that new “kinds” of animals can evolve.
Question 11) "Why did God intervene so many times in human affairs during antiquity (according to the Bible) and yet not do anything during the Holocaust of the Second World War?" Ray answers: No human can claim to know whether or not God intervened in the affairs of humanity at any time between 1939 and 1945. However, the Old Testament makes it very clear that there were times when God didn’t intervene in the affairs of His people. He purposefully allowed their enemies to overpower them so that they would turn back to Him.
So this God-character allows millions
of people to die just to satisfy his own ego? Despite promising to be
there for those who believe in him and follow him, despite the pleas
and prayers of the Jewish people, God remained silent and inactive
just because he wanted what ever was left of them to worship him?
Question 12) "Why should one’s inner convictions about the existence of God indicate that He/She/They/It exists outside of that person’s mind?" Ray answers: The Bible says that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men and given all people everywhere an awareness of Him so that they are without excuse. He created us to know Him. Throughout history and throughout the world, all cultures acknowledge the existence of God. Besides, why should one’s inner convictions about the non-existence of God indicate that He doesn’t exist outside of that person’s mind? Our personal convictions and beliefs do not affect reality. God simply is.
Not all cultures acknowledge the
existence of God, especially not the Abrahamic God. For instance,
Buddhists acknowledge no God, certain Native American tribes hold a
similar philosophy, Shamans hold a godless view, and finally Chinese
ancestor worshipers do not believe in a god.
God is not simply “is” without
evidence to show that he even is, anymore than Allah, Thor, or
universal time-less eternal sky pixies. If God “is” anything, he
is imaginary. Or as the original question implied, God only exists in
the believer's mind.
Question 13) "Can a God who would abandon His children when they needed Him the most still be considered “all good”?" Ray answers: One of humanity’s great errors is to misunderstand the meaning of “good.” A “good” judge will pronounce a stiff sentence on a vicious murderer. A “loving” judge who dismisses a case against a vicious killer because he loves him is not a good judge. Justice and goodness are inseparable. Many times God chastened Israel (gave them their just dessert) because of His goodness. He wanted them to turn back to Him for their own good.
A judge who dismisses a case against a
criminal is not “loving” but merciful. The Abrahamic god is
claimed to be infinitely merciful. So by extension, a infinitely
merciful God would never have punished its creation for whatever
An important note: Ray Comfort does not
decide what constitutes as “good.” Based on his history and core
evangelical messages, Ray Comfort's idea of “good” includes
unapologetic lying, and a finite crime deserves infinite punishment.
He cannot distinguish killing a person and a murderer, yet he
believes killing a threatening person does not count as murder
despite the fact he would have killed another human.
Question 14) "If the God of the Bible is “all good,” why does He Himself say that He created evil (Isaiah 45:7)?" Ray answers: The word translated “evil” in that verse (“I make peace, and create evil”) means “calamity” or “suffering”—God uses both good and bad events in our lives to bring us into a right relationship with Him. However, because God is sovereign over all events, He did allow evil to come into being. God gave mankind a choice to have a loving relationship with Him. The original sin was when Adam and Eve chose to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Once man knew both good and evil, he had to choose between the two. Because God wants people to worship Him freely out of love and enjoy His incredible blessings, He tells each one of us: “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil . . . , therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:15,19).
“He [God] did not allow evil to come
into being” how can this be when God is the creator of all things?
Question 15) "If something is not rational, should it be believed anyway?" Ray answers: At one time, the concept of a thousand-ton aircraft flying through the air seemed irrational and absurd. But after man studied the laws of physics, it was discovered to be quite rational and believable. If one studies God’s Word and understands His Law, Christianity is seen to be infinitely rational and believable. Atheism, on the other hand, rejects logic and evidence and is the epitome of irrationalism. It should be abandoned by any rational person as being foolishness.
The question was asked if something is
not rational, should it be “believed.” A massive flying plane
was not “irrational” but rather at one point implausible. Many
doubted that the Hercules would fly, despite the debate amongst
pilots, engineers, and such on both sides. Studying physics played a
role, but it was mostly aerodynamics, but simply studying was not
enough. They had to test everything. Unlike massive planes, nothing
in Christianity can be tested (accept for perhaps prayer, which has
been shown numerous times to be completely ineffective.)
There is nothing rational about
Christianity any more than Islam, Scientology, Mormonism, Hinduism,
or any other faith. Atheism, on the other hand, is the exact opposite
of irrationalism. All it does is show that the theistic burden of
proof has not been met. Ray thinks that the existence of his god has
been established through the argument from design, but this argument
has been shown to be wrong and fallacious many times.
Anyhow, is it rational to believe in
something that is irrational? Of course not. There is nothing
rational about believing gnomes exist hiding under your garden or
believing green whales swim underneath the surface of the sun. In
fact, it is rational to doubt these things and be skeptical until the
burden of proof has been met. Basically, Ray is saying that anyone
who denies the existence of the green whales in the sun are the
“epitome of irrationalism” and are being “foolish.” Any
reasonable person reading this can see why Ray is wrong in calling
atheists and doubters of the green whales in the sun as “irrational.”
Question 16) "Is there a better way than reason to acquire knowledge and truth?" Ray answers: No. That’s why the Bible says, “‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ says the LORD.” That’s why when the apostle Paul spoke “the words of truth and reason,” King Agrippa said, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” That’s why Paul “reasoned” with Felix (the governor) about “righteousness, self-control, and judgment to come.” And that’s why Felix “was afraid.”
The message the Bible encourages is
nothing but blind faith. It may mention reason in a passing moment,
like Isaiah, but what is reasonable of putting faith in a book
written by superstitious men who thought they knew more about the
universe than people in the 21st century?
Question 17) "If you would answer #16 with “faith,” then why are there so many contradictory faiths in the world?" Ray answers: There are many faiths because all nations recognize that there is a Creator. However, in their ignorance they worship the moon, the sun, or an idol. No one has ever found an atheistic tribe, because people are not that ignorant. God has given light to every man.
“No one has a ever found an atheistic
tribe, because people are not that ignorant” how about the
Buddhists? Buddhism is an atheistic philosophy. Ancestor worship is a
godless form of religion as well, such as certain Native American
tribes. Druids, Chinese Ancestry worship, Daoists, etc.
Question 18) "Is comfort more important to you than intellectual integrity?" Ray answers: No, it’s not. That’s why I am a Christian.
There are several reasons that brought
Ray to Christianity, but it was not intellectual integrity. Among the
top things that likely drove him to Christianity could be any or all
of the following;
- The fear of death and Pascal's Wager; which Ray repeatably stresses his viewers to allow fear to take hold of them to determine their decisions rather than their intellect.
- The god of the gaps and willful ignorance; in the case of Ray denying several fields of science
- Irrationality and lack of honest fact-gathering; as seen throughout all Ray's material (even this book) or Ray's willingness to lie and deliberately quote-mine.
- Or this whole shebang is all for the money
But Ray Comfort's one and true God is not Yahweh or even Jesus Christ, its MONEY
Lesson 73: Atheist Questions Part 2
Kirk's Comment: Atheism may seem intellectual, but intelligent people should also be reasonable and honest about the facts. If you’ve ever felt nervous about discussing the facts for the existence of God, don’t be. The evidence is on the side of God. After reading this lesson, you’ll be better equipped to talk with skeptics.
As this review (as well as the review
of all of Ray and Kirk's material here on my blog), the
evidence is not on their side at all. The only thing they possess are
presuppositions they try desperately to prove, but all they have to
offer is blind faith and delusional beliefs, but no actual empirical,
testable, observable facts.
Question 19) "If you believe, as many do, that all religions worship the same God under different names, how do you explain the existence of religions which have more than one god, or Buddhism, which, in its pure form, has no god?" Ray answers: All religions do not worship the same God. People who reject the one true God of the Bible can find any number of gods, of any type, to suit their tastes. They may choose to worship a small wooden god that asks only for shelf space, one that promises paradise in exchange for a certain number of daily prayers, or one that demands specific offerings or good deeds. People who reject the one true God have always been able to devise a replacement.
And those who claim to have accepted
the “one true God” can devise any form of him as they wish, and
since there is no established or proven one true God, then the
unknown variable can take any form as anyone see fit. In this case,
Ray has devised a God that forsakes everyone unless they live a
certain life in order to please said God to get a reward after death.
What Ray has done is no different than what he states people of other
faith do.
Is it curious at all that whatever form
God usually takes, it is almost perfectly clear that this entity has
a human mind? Why does God have emotions? God gets angry and
wrathful, or likes the smell of burnt offerings, but why? Does God
have a nose? Most Christians would say no God does not, and for the
same reason God would have no need for emotions. Emotions are natural
intricate chemical reactions that activate and direct bodily
responses to the external environment. As Dr. Valerie Tarico
demonstrated in her work, God is simply a human invention. Ever
wonder why gods take human forms? Egyptian gods with human bodies but
heads of animals, Greek and Norse gods have human bodies, Hindu gods
often have human bodies, and so on. Some say that if dogs had a god,
their god would be a dog. The point being, Ray says that people can
easily find their own version of God to suit their needs, and this is
exactly true and is the whole case (and Ray is no exception).
Question 20) "What would it take to convince you that you are wrong?" Ray answers: I have already been convinced that I was wrong. I was wrong for my 22 years of unconverted life. Conversion to Christianity is when a fallible human being admits that he is wrong and that the infallible Creator is right.
Ray completely dodges the question. How
did Ray “know” he was wrong? To have knowledge means that you can
demonstrate it, otherwise if you cannot then you do not know it. Any
honest nonbeliever and skeptic will straight forward tell what it
would take to pass the test for burden of proof, but Ray Comfort and
many Christians constantly dodge the responsibility of providing
proof, and usually repeat the same old tiring arguments that have
already been refuted a thousand times (unfortunately, just repeating
debunked arguments while expecting a different result is not only a
waste of time but also ludicrous). When all else fails, theists like
Ray Comfort just demand nonbelievers to simply just “believe.”
Unfortunately, this is not good sufficient enough for any rational
thinker. It is very easy to simply believe anything, but does not
change the rest of reality. For instance, the person reading this may
think he or she is 1) the King of Persia, 2) the reincarnated Prince
Hamlet of Denmark himself or maybe 3) Cleopatra of Egypt. Obviously
and clearly, anyone who accepted they were any of these, they would
immediately be branded insane. All this comes to show, mere belief is
not good enough and people understand that. Likewise, belief in the
existence of a “infallible God” or “universal eternal sky
pixies” or whatever is not enough to establish that said entity or
entities are even real. This is why actual empirical, testable,
observable proof is demanded, and Ray has still failed to present
Therefore, the question still stands.
What would it take to convince Ray Comfort that he is wrong? However,
in the very next question, Ray reveals his closed mindedness by
stating that “nothing can convince me that I am wrong—but my
belief is still true.”
Question 21) "If nothing can convince you that you are wrong, then why should your faith be considered anything other than a cult?" Ray answers: A cult is defined as “a system of religious worship and ritual,” which would seem to describe every manmade religion. Christianity, on the other hand, is not a strict adherence to ritual, but a personal relationship with a living God. When a person repents of his sin and places his trust in Jesus, God fills him with His Spirit—the person becomes spiritually alive. He has moved out of the realm of belief into the realm of experience. Once he knows the truth, nothing can convince him otherwise. Besides, why should adherence to the truth be a determining factor in whether a belief is valid? I believe in gravity and nothing can convince me that I am wrong—but my belief is still true.
Christianity is not a strict adherence
to ritual? How about prayer? Reading the Bible? Does Ray celebrate
Ray states that upon conversion, they
''experience'' a wave of divine interference. How does Ray know that
this is coming from God and not an imposter who claims to be God (to
make it worse, this imposter has fooled every Christian with the lie
that “God cannot tell a lie” thus trapping them all to believe
this imposter without question).
A number of investigations have shown
that deep temporal lobe stimulation in the area around the amygdala
and hippocampus of the limbic system produces feelings of intense
meaningfulness, of depersonalization, of a connection with God, of
cosmic connectedness, of out-of-body experiences, a feeling of not
being in this world, déjà vu (a feeling that something has been
experienced before), jamais vu (a feeling something is happening for
the first time even though it has been experienced before), fear, and
Based on this, we know that mind is
capable of experiencing things that feel so real, but rather they are
simply stimulation’s of brain synapses. This can happen naturally
or through the aid of traumas, seizures, drugs, and such. Example,
Michael Harner, and anthropologist who lived among the Jivaro Indians
of the Ecuadoran Amazon, described his experience with ayahuasca as
“For several
hours after drinking the brew, I found myself although awake, in a
world literally beyond my wildest dreams. I met bird-like people, as
well as a dragon-like creature who explained they were the true Gods
of this world. I enlisted the services of other spirit helpers in
attempting to fly through the far reaches of the Galaxy. Transported
into a trance where the supernatural seemed natural, I realized that
anthropologists, including myself, had profoundly underestimated the
importance of the drug in affecting native ideology.”
Granted, if we did not know the detail
that Harner consumed ayahuasca, his “experience” testifies that
he did encounter dragons and bird-people. How would Ray distinguish
this feeling with his “experience” with God's spirit that
entered him upon conversion? For that matter, how can Ray
demonstrate, test and show that his experience was not only genuine
but also different from the “experiences” of Muslims, Hindus,
pagans, etc.
Ray says that he ''believes'' in
gravity and nothing can prove him wrong. Here is the difference
between Ray's dogmatic mindset with a rational freethinker. Gravity
is a scientific law, and science demands that everything must not
only testable but also falsifiable. This is why scientific facts are
accepted (not believed) to be true ''until'' they are demonstrated to
be false. Say for instance that tomorrow, scientists demonstrate that
the theory of gravity was completely wrong. Ray says that “nothing
can convince me that I am wrong” shows his closed mindedness. Truth
is based on evidence, and to deny truth is dishonest. This is why Ray
is incredibly dishonest when it comes to science, history, and
Question 22) "If an atheist lives a decent, moral life, why should a loving, compassionate God care whether or not we believe in Him/Her/It?" Ray answers: No matter how decent and moral we think we are, we have all sinned by violating God’s holy Laws. To see how you fare against God’s standard, review the Ten Commandments (given in Exodus chapter 20). God’s concern isn’t whether or not we believe in Him; the Bible says that even the demons believe—and tremble. God commands that we repent of our sins and trust Jesus Christ alone for our salvation. If we refuse do that, we will be given justice on the Day of Judgment and we will perish.
It is common for religions to say that
no one is innocent or without excuse. For example, Islam says that we
are all sinners, Scientology says we are all born with defects, and
so on.
Ray is asking us to review ourselves
through the Ten Commandments given in Exodus 20, but what about the
''actual'' Ten Commandments in Exodus 34? By that standard, Ray is
not only in trouble with God, but he has been preaching a false
How can Ray say that it is not
necessary to ''believe'' in God, and yet the first Commandment in
Exodus 20 states that we have to believe the Abrahamic god and no
other? In order for us too fulfill the second Commandment (taking his
name “Yahweh” under a false oath) requires belief in him. And
yet, Ray states that we must ''believe'' that Jesus is our path to
Question 23) "Should any religion that demands we elevate faith over reason be trusted?" Ray answers: Never elevate faith over reason. Exercise faith because of reason. A man who has to jump 25,000 feet out of a plane exercises faith in a parachute because he reasons that he will perish without it.
All faith is blind, and cannot be
supported by reason of any sort. Faith is by definition belief in
something without any evidence or belief in something contrary to the
evidence. We develop knowledge, the basis of knowing things (which is
the exact opposite of faith), through experience, observation, and
testing. Before skydivers jump out of a plane, their parachutes are
checked for any flaws. After the jump, based on experience and
statistics, the possibility of a parachute failure is miniscule.
Skydivers do not require faith, rather they rely on the preparations
of expertise based on the knowledge of their skill.
Question 24) "How can the same God who, according to the Old Testament, killed everybody on Earth except for eight people be considered as anything other than evil?" Ray answers: Look at the lifestyle of those people—they deserved death because of their evil actions. That’s what happens when men reject God. We will all die because God, the Judge of the universe, has pronounced the death sentence upon us: “The soul who sins shall die.” Criminals rarely speak well of the judge. To them, he is “evil.”
“They deserved death”! How can
anyone make such a heartless statement? Does Ray have a clue of what
these people did in their lifetimes that was so offensive to the ego
of an all-powerful being? How can a collection of primates
(carbon-based lifeforms on a small planet in the far dark corner of
the vast universe) offend this almighty being that supposedly gave
these people free will?
Basically, Ray is stressing the point
that disbelief in his particular narrow-version of God leads to all
the troubles of society, and yet whenever given an example of an
extreme Christian country full of devoted believers, the same
troubles remain or escalate. How about the Roman Empire, became the
worlds largest and powerful Christian empire in the world, and yet it
failed. Likely, Ray would respond that these are either 1) not real
Christians or 2) they slowly turned away from God. Basically, it is a
circular argument: Belief in some entity or not, life is full of
suffering. It seems that the belief in a deity is not even necessary
at all, and the Buddhist were on the spot: life is suffering. If a
person would wish to deal with suffering, prayer and belief in God or
universal eternal sky pixies won't change a thing.
Question 25) "Must we hate our families and ourselves in order to be good Christians (Luke 14:26)?" Ray answers: No. Luke 14:26 is what is known as “hyperbole”—a statement of extremes, contrasting love with hate for the sake of emphasis. Jesus tells us that the first and greatest Commandment is to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37,38). As much as we treasure our spouse and family, and even our own life, there should be no one whom we love and value more than God, no one who takes precedence in our life. To place love for another (including yourself) above God is idolatry.
By what criteria do we determine what
is a hyperbole or not? This is one answer that Christians fail to
provide a satisfactory answer. With over 30,000 denominations within
Christianity, each proclaiming to be the true faith and know how to
correctly interpret the Bible all the while following the Will of God
exactly the correct way, how can we determine what is meant to be
taken literally or figuratively in the Bible? Are we to take the
phrase “love thy neighbor” as another example of not taking his
word literally and not practicing it?
In this passage in Luke, Jesus gives no
indication that he is speaking in a hyperbole. The language being
used is too literal. In Luke 22:36 he told his disciples that “he
that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”
Question 26) "Since the ancient world abounded with tales of resurrected Savior-Gods that were supposed to have returned from the dead to save humanity, why is the Jesus myth any more reliable than all the others?" Ray answers: I have never heard of any such “tales of resurrected Savior-Gods.” Any myths there have been have died out for lack of proof. The “Jesus myth,” however, has endured through the ages in cultures all around the world because it is true and provable. Simply read John 14:21 and then try it . . . if you dare. If you place your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation, He will come into your life and reveal Himself to you.
Never heard of a “resurrected
Savior-Gods”? How about Hercules? Surely everyone knows the mighty
Greek hero, we know him for his legendary strength and epic tales.
How about Dionysus? Greek God of wine, who was born of a human virgin
and later died and resurrected to Mt. Olympus? The Jesus Myth is not
the only tale of a savior God who was humiliated and then killed. The
Greeks had numerous examples of even full-blooded Gods forced to
endure humiliating acts before returning to heaven. How about the
Sumerian god Inanna, the “Queen of Heaven” who was stripped naked
and crucified, yet she triumphantly rose from the dead. History is
laced with hundreds of heros and gods who died and resurrected,
creating large groups of followers believing that they will one day
join their deity in the afterlife.
The reason why the Jesus Myth has not
died out is because it was established as a mandatory faith in the
powerful Roman Empire, causing it to endure for centuries and
continue on through established churches and converting kings – who
would later bestow the faith on his subjects. There is no proof
needed for the Jesus Myth to survive, in fact there is no proof at
all to provide.
Ray's example of reading a certain
passage, daring us to drop to our knees and pray is pointless. Anyone
can convince themselves that any fictional deity is true, because
that is the power of faith. Telling us to seek something that does
not have any proof is no more better then asking to “seek with
(insert name here) all your heart” - that name could be Allah,
Odin, ghosts, Big Foot, UFOs, invisible universal eternal sky pixies,
and so on and so on. However, simply convincing yourself that
whatever entity revealed itself to you is not proof of their
existence. For instance, George Harrison, the guitarist for the
Beatles was a Bhaki Hindu. He believed in a personal god, and he said
that if one chants the mantras with devotion, Lord Krishna would
visibly appear and speak to him in an audible voice. Many pagans are
similarly convinced of having met their deities too. For example, a
cat fancier in Texas insists he began worshiping Bast only after the
Egyptian goddess dramatically appeared physically manifest, having
personally chosen him to become her disciple. Every religion boasts
their own miracles and prophecies proving theirs is the truest faith.
So its no surprise that Christians say the same things about their
versions of God too. No religion is significantly different from any
other in this respect. But whatever else may be going on, when men
claim revelation from God, it usually means is that they’ve decided
to promote their own biased and unsubstantiated opinions as if they
were divinely inspired.
Question 27) "If the Bible is the inerrant word of God, why does it contain so many factual errors, such as the two contradictory accounts of creation in Genesis?" Ray answers: There are not two accounts of creation in Genesis. Chapter 1 gives the account of creation; chapter 2 gives details of the same creation. I have been reading the Bible every day for thirty years (without fail) and I am not aware of any “factual errors.”
The two different accounts are indeed
contradictory, and Ray has done nothing to solve the problem (despite
himself insisting that he has, but his arguments are without merit).
If Ray has been reading the Bible for
so long, how can he miss the factual errors, such as in Genesis 1
when it says the sun, moon, and stars were created AFTER the Earth.
Here is the order of events: water, land rising from the water, and
then vegetation and bingo its Earth. Only AFTER that, it says the
stars and two illuminating lights (Sun and moon) were created. So if
Ray is not aware of the factual error that the Earth is NOT older
than the stars, then he has not gotten past the first chapter in the
first book of the Bible (so what book he has been reading for 30
years is quiet a mystery).
For more examples of factually
incorrect errors in the Bible (historically and scientifically), here
are some links;
Question 28) "Why isn’t the Bible written in a straightforward way that leaves no doubt about what it means?" Ray answers: The Bible is very clear to those who obey God. It says of itself that it is spiritually understood, and that the “natural” man cannot receive the things of God. To someone who hasn’t been born spiritually, “they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). However, we can all understand enough to realize that we have sinned against a holy God and need to repent. Once we do that, God gives us the ability to understand His Word.
This does not really answer the
question. All it is saying is that you have to be “spiritual” to
piece together the tales in the Bible. Well, there are millions of
spiritual Christians, they have been reading the Bible for centuries,
and if the Bible was an easy read to spiritual followers, then why
are there more than 30,000 denominations within Christianity?
Based on this fact, the Bible is NOT
very clear to those who obey God. It is difficult to think off
another book that has caused mass confusion than the Bible. Even
today, spiritual Christians can and interpret the Bible, pray for
hours, and yet come to different conclusions regarding certain
Question 29) "The last time Christianity attained total power, it resulted in the Dark Ages, so why should we expect anything different from Christian fundamentalists today?" Ray answers: It was not Christianity but the Roman Catholic church that had power during the Dark Ages. The doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and the Bible are opposed to one another. It was the Roman Catholic church that opposed Galileo, was responsible for the Inquisition, and refused the common people access to the Bible during the Dark Ages. The Christian Church isn’t seeking “total power.” Its agenda is not political.
Basically, Ray is playing the No True
Scotsman fallacy by attempting to portray Roman Catholics as
non-Christians. Nice try. Ray does not give any clue when, where and
how the doctrines of Roman Catholicism is opposed to the Bible.
Ray seems to portray all the dark
history of Christianity unto the Roman Catholics. How about the
Puritans persecuting the Native Americans and Quakers. How about the
Baptists kidnapping, sodomizing and murdering children in India (even
to this day). How about the 30 Years War of Christians on multiple
sides slaughtered each other.
Or how about Christians within the
Bible itself. Jesus cursed a fig tree, violently drove out people
from the Temple, told his disciples to steal a horse, and so on.
According to the book of Acts, when Peter (a disciple) came to power,
he issued forced collectivism upon a village, however when a couple
refused to give up their possession, Peter had them killed. He could
have imprisoned them, exiled them, or any lesser evil, but instead he
had them put to death.
Christian church is not seeking “total
power” and is not politically driven? Why then do Christians want
their faith recognized above all others? How about Ann Coulter who
said on September 13, 2001 “We should invade their countries, kill
their leaders, and convert them to Christianity”?
There are numerous examples of
Christian ministers and Christian politicians fighting to have
Christianity dominate the United States, and they often reveal their
plans of what will happen once that goal is achieved. Introducing the
American Taliban: Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, an
organization for intimidating abortion providers.
“When I, or
people like me, are running the country, you’d better flee, because
we will find you, we will try you, and we will execute you. I mean
every word of it. I will make it part of my mission to see to it that
they are tried and executed.”
Terry was here referring to doctors who
provide abortions, and his Christian inspiration is clearly shown by
one more of his statements, (emphasis added)
“I want you to
just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a
wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good…Our goal is a
Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to
conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t
want pluralism. Our goal must be simple. We must have a
Christian nation built on God’s law, on the Ten Commandments. No
This ambition to achieve what can only
be a Christian fascist state is entirely typical of the American
Taliban; it is almost an exact mirror image of the Islamic fascist
state so ardently sought by many people in other parts of the world.
There is one more preacher I would like
to mention: Gary Potter, President of Catholics for Christian
Political Action, had this to say:
“When the
Christianity majority takes over this country, there will be no
satanic churches, no more free distribution of pornography, no more
talk of rights for homosexuals. After the Christian majority takes
control, pluralism will be seen as immoral and evil and the state
will not permit anybody the right to practice evil.”
Question 30) "Has anyone ever been killed in the name of atheism?" Ray answers: Yes. Atheistic Communist regimes have slaughtered 100 million people. In China an incredible 72 million were murdered, in the Soviet Union 20 million, Cambodia 2.3 million, North Korea 2 million, Africa 1.7 million, Afghanistan 1.5 million, Vietnam 1 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000.
Actually, this does not answer the
question. The question was asked has anyone every killed ''in the
name'' of atheism? What is the answer? Zero. Ray's examples are
actually not the mas killings of people in the name of atheism,
rather they were the result of power-hungry dictators under the guise
of communism.
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